I spoke of You as of my secret sharer
to whom my life knows many paths,I named You: the one all children know,
the one all strings are stretched across,
the one for whom I'm dark and still.
I named You the neighbor of my nights
and all my evenings' deep secrecy,-
and You're the one none could conceive
had You not been thought out from eternity.
You're the one in whom I've never erred,
the one I entered like a well-known house.
Your growing now goes on beyond me:
You are Becoming's essence, all-evolving.
and all my evenings' deep secrecy,-
and You're the one none could conceive
had You not been thought out from eternity.
You're the one in whom I've never erred,
the one I entered like a well-known house.
Your growing now goes on beyond me:
You are Becoming's essence, all-evolving.